What is the Bounty Jackpot?

The Bounty Jackpot is like the lucky break in poker tournaments. Imagine this: you're playing in a Bounty tournament or an exciting Battle Royale game, you eliminate a player and boom, you can win an additional cash prize ranging from a few thousand dollars to a staggering $1 million. Yes, you read that right, $1 million!

What events/games can I win the Bounty Jackpot?

The good news is that most Bounty tournaments and all Battle Royale games are eligible for the Bounty Jackpot. However, there are some exceptions, such as Mystery Bounty events, those with a buy-in of $500 or more and events in collaboration with partners such as WSOP.

How does the Bounty Jackpot work?

When you register in an eligible tournament, a small fee is added to the Bounty Jackpot pool. Each time you eliminate a player in the tournament, you have the opportunity to take a share of the Bounty Jackpot. The best part is that even if you sold shares of your tournament buy-in, your sponsors also share in the Bounty Jackpot winnings.

Cool, right?

What is the maximum award?

The top prize of the Bounty Jackpot is a Mega Bounty ranging from $10,000 to a staggering $1 million. So, yes, you can win a real fortune.

When is the Bounty Jackpot won?

The awarding of Bounty Jackpots is totally random, but on average, approximately one Bounty Jackpot is won for every 1000 eliminations.

What happens if I eliminate several players in one hand?

Every time you eliminate a player in a hand, you will have the chance to win a Bounty Jackpot. Even if you eliminate several players in a single hand, you will have multiple chances to win.

Will I be notified if I win a Bounty Jackpot?

No, you will not receive a special notification. The game will continue as normal, but if you win a Bounty Jackpot, you will see an animation on the table indicating how much you have won.

Are there exceptions where the Bounty Jackpot is not awarded?

Yes, there are exceptions. Mystery Bounty events, tournaments with a buy-in of $500 or more and those in collaboration with partners such as WSOP are not eligible for the Bounty Jackpot.

Does the Bounty Jackpot prize vary according to the buy-in of the event?

Yes, the prize you receive from the Bounty Jackpot depends on the buy-in of the tournament. The higher the buy-in, the bigger the share of the Bounty Jackpot you can win.

Can I choose not to participate in the Bounty Jackpot promotion?

No, all players who enter an eligible Bounty Jackpot event will automatically participate in the promotion.

Is there a separate fund for Mega Bounty?

No, all Bounty Jackpot prizes and payouts come from the same pool. If the bankroll does not cover a Mega Bounty prize, GGPoker will make up the difference and the bankroll will start to accumulate again from zero.

Does GGPoker charge a commission on Bounty Jackpot contributions?

No, GGPoker does not charge any commission on contributions or payments to the Bounty Jackpot. 100% of your contribution goes to the Bounty Jackpot fund.

What are the terms and conditions of the Bounty Jackpot?

You must be 18 years or older to participate in this promotion. Conditions are subject to those of the GGPoker website. Some tournaments may be excluded due to various circumstances. If fraudulent activity is suspected, GGPoker has the right to investigate and remove players. GGPoker reserves the right to modify or suspend the promotion at any time. Standard GGPoker rules also apply. And, of course, play responsibly.

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