Dry poker: what is a dry poker table?

The concept of "dry poker" or "dry flop" in poker is something that can raise more than one eyebrow. Because we are talking about a term related to texture, and if we don't know what texture is we will hardly understand what a dry poker table is.

When we talk about texture, we refer to a word that refers to the way in which the community cards are exposed and the way they look and are perceived. It is usually applied to the flop, but it is not exclusive to the flop.

Knowing the texture of the flop can help us when making decisions regarding our hand: do we fold, do we fold, do we fold, do we fold, do we call, or is it better to go all-in? All this is something that can be measured by texture.

The texture of the table will depend on the projects that the community cards allow, that is to say, on the possibilities of play depending on what the flop and the subsequent streets give.

Dry poker table: what is it?

This ability to measure the texture of the table and the possibilities offered by the community cards has a direct impact on our decision making. If we do not measure the texture of the table, it is impossible to decide with criteria.

To know the possibilities, we have with our player cards, we must measure the texture of the table. If we have little or no chance, we are talking about a dry poker table. On the other hand, if it offers play and lends itself to action, we speak of a wet flop or wet tables.

Dry tables are those in which, due to the characteristics of the community cards, it is impossible for any player to have been able to bind a project, something that can happen when there are no cards connected on the flops. This allows us to intuit what the opponents have been able to achieve (or not), allowing us to make a complete reading of the table. A dry table indicates that there is a high probability that the opponents have junk hands.

But wet tables are different. They lend themselves to action, but we are not necessarily talking about good or bad cards. We're talking about community cards that connect in such a way that they provide excellent opportunities to hit flush draws or straights.

Dry board, dry pot and dry flop: are they the same?

Now that we know what a dry flop and a wet flop are, let's go deeper into this question. A dry board is a dry table, which refers to a board that prevents draws or only allows a few very exceptionally. A dry table is synonymous with a flop because they have the same consequences. If the flop does not offer possibilities, the table in general will not either.

A dry pot is a side pot with little money. We talk about "side pots" to refer to those pots created by players who go all-in and the rest of the active players continue playing the hand.

The dry pot occurs when a player who has few chips bets all-in, and several of the opponents see the bet with the intention of eliminating the one who plays with fewer chips (known as "short-stacked"). They can also see the hand to continue playing it, but in a pot on the sidelines.

How to analyze the texture of the flop

To determine the texture of the flop, you need to look at three basic aspects: the number of cards of the same suit, how connected these cards are and how many high cards are on the table.

Taking into account how many cards of the same suit there are, it is possible to elucidate if there is any possibility of a flush draw on the flop. Two cards or more of the same suit is a bad sign if we have managed to tie a good play, but we have no cards of that suit.

Knowing how connected the cards are allows us to analyze if there is any chance of hitting flush draws or if there is any draw already completed.

Knowing how many high cards are on the table, we can know how much the opponents like to play with these cards. The more cards you jump on the flop, the higher the probability that one of the opponents has connected.

How to play on a dry flop?

A dry flop is the best way to rob a tight player. For this kind of players, a dry flop is a double-edged sword because, when they are inexperienced, they tend to find themselves in a compromising situation when they are facing a dry board and play with high combinations or medium pairs. Unless they are very experienced, it is usually easy to leave them out of the hand because playing tight is a handicap that works against them at a dry poker table.

When the flop goes well, they are players who usually do not measure the potential of their cards and do not squeeze all the possibilities that the hand offers them, not getting all the profitability they could.

A dry flop almost always favors players with high pairs because there is a very high probability that they will remain on top throughout the hand and maintain their position of strength, as well as because players who have not tied may end up out of the hand on the flop precisely because they see the lack of possibilities of their cards.

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